Saturday, February 4, 2012

Using gps4Cam in Photography

These two photos were taken last year when I was traveling to Yuen Long and Lau Fou Shan in Hong Kong with friends.

(1) Do you know where are the places of these photos taken?  If I want to visit these places again, how to go there? No clue eh?  You may be taking photos for years and eventually you come up to more than thousands photos, you may forget some of the places because the photos only show trees, buildings or streets and you cannot figure out where they were shot. In this situation, photos with GPS data are helpful to show you the exact locations.

Nowadays, GPS is widely used especially on cameras.  Thanks to the development of Google Map and Google Earth that they even have 3D and 360 degrees view on ground. Sony, Panasonic and Casio have camera models with built-in GPS. One good model is Lumix Z7S. In future, I can see that GPS usage will be very popular in all walks of life!

(2) How about camera without built-in GPS? No problem, gps4cam is the software for you to geotag your photos for any camera. What you have to do is using your iPhone or iPod touch (just like iPhone but without phone feature) to download and install the gps4cam application.

(3) What if I do not have iPhone or iPhone Touch and therefore I do not have gps4Cam? No problem. There are 2 alternatives:

(a) Using a free software "GeoSetter" to geotag all your photos manually. Firstly you download this software to your PC and geotag your photos after loading your photos to your computer. Of course, you have to remember the exact location where the photo was taken. Secondly, you open the map in GeoSetter and find the exact location with your mouse pointer. Click it , there you go! The GPS data ( Latitude & Longtitude information shown in your photo) is added to your photo. You may also edit your GPS data to fine tune your location accuracy.

(b) Still using gps4Cam: Of course not you but any one having gps4Cam on iPhone. Let's say 3 of us go photo shooting together. I have gps4Cam in my iPhone but you don't have.  I simply turn on the gps4Cam to activate the GPS. We start taking photos individually. At the end of the day, I stop the gps4Cam application and the program creates a QR Code diagram (as shown). The QR Code contains all the location information of the places we have visited. You just use your camera to take a photo of the QR Code diagram. That's it! When you return home, you download all your photos together with this QR Code photo to your computer. What you have to do is to download and install the gps4Cam software (it is free to install in your computer). The program will base on the QR Code information to geotag all your photos.  All in all, gps4Cam can be applied to all type of cameras.
Finally, I think the geotagged photos are useful in the followings:
• travel photographer;
• those who like to visit and travel via Google map;
• organize photos according to places;
• share your adventure and journey with your friends and family;
• life saving;
• create a feeling of nostalgia etc. ...

gps4cam Application

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