Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Flying back to Hong Kong 返港之行

My impression of an airport dated back to my childhood. I was residing at Nau Chi Wan Village, near today's Choi Hung Estate and adjacent to  Ngau Chi Wan Fire Station. At that time, Kai Tak Airport was located at Kowloon City. I spent my childhood and adolescence in the waiting hall of Kai Tak Airport for sightseeing, reading and doing school assignment. Airport impresses me as a place for departure and reunion happened to mankind.

In 1988 while I was emigrated to Canada, my sister embraced me and sobbed for our parting sorrow. In the past 5 years, I have been flying back to Hong Kong at least once a year to visit my aged mom and 2 sisters. This time, I have experienced the parting sorrow of the beloved one.

Photo equipment: iPhone 5 


The aircraft parking ground

The artistic setup in the waiting area is eye-catching.

Lights and shadows are important elements of interior design

The AC015 to Hong Kong

I was awaiting at the waiting area with my Thinktank Urban Shifter.
我獨自在候機室等候,我帶了盛載攝影器材的背包:Thinktank Urban Shifter

An aircraft flied over the bus terminal of the busy Hong Kong International airport.

Click to open album 點擊打開照片集》

Click open to related album: "Reminiscences of the old Kai Tak Airport"》 
點擊相關照片集﹕ 「情繫啟德」》


  1. I like the perspective and geometry of the pictures!

  2. 多少岁月,期待着旧梦重聚,把根留住!谢谢分享!

  3. I came to Canada at the same year.My parents are past away now.I moved to Hong Kong at 10 years old.I lived in hunger at 1961 when the Russian experts left China.I always think what went wrong in China.That is why I have profound interest in economics.Kelvin Mok

  4. All the best, and thanks for the update. I moved in Toronto already 20 years, I only flied back to HK one time 5 years ago, I know it has lots of change, so if you have time, take more photos & bring me back the memories.
