Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The outlook of a closed cathedral 一座封閉教堂的外貌

【Ontario Yours to Discover】
《The outlook of a closed cathedral》: This "Cathedral of the Transfiguration" is a Roman Catholic cathedral built in Markham, Ontario. It is also a landmark in the Cathedraltowm community in Markham. My first impression of the cathedral was back to 1998 when I drove on Bayview Avenue near Major McKenzie Avenue, I saw the beautiful golden onion dome of the cathedral in distance. This afternoon was my first time spent to take photographs of this deserted cathedral from different perspectives.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Splash and droplet 濺水珠

【Photo Inspiration】

《Splash and droplet》 by Peter Bok
Red lip seeps out the jade dewdrop, 
Black beak spills out of exquisite syrup, 
Rocking webs make splashing like raindrop, 
Shaking wings create warbling fight loud and higher up. 

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The mystery of beauty in landscape photography 風光攝影美之玄

【Ontario Yours to Discover】《The mystery of beauty in landscape photography》:

《The Mystery of Beauty》 by Peter Bok
The colors of the perilous cliffs are dazzles, 
Beautiful scene is created with squares, circles and angles like jigsaw puzzle, 
Dots, lines and spaces have the hidden truth, 
Watching carefully reveals the lasting bond in a drizzle.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Flying off up to the sky 振翅高飛上雲霄

【Ontario Yours to Discover】
《Flying off high up to the sky》: To me, yesterday was a lazy afternoon but to the flock of geese gathering at a small pond in a Toronto conservatory park the sunny and warm weather was suitable for their flying. Unlike those seen at the Scarborough Bluffs Park, these geese were flying in group one after the other. Every time the flight started at the outburst of their loud and noisy warbling. Hundreds of the geese took off and kept flying on a lower level just above the water.

Monday, March 23, 2015

My feeling of "Jonathan Livingstone Seagull" in poetry and photography 感自「天地一沙鷗」之詩與圖

【Photo Inspiration】
《My feeling of "Jonathan Livingstone Seagull" in poetry and photography》:

《Letter of Sentiment in a Night Journey》
 by TU Fu, Tang Dynasty /
Translated by Peter Bok

Riverside grass swing in breeze so light,
A lonely mast dashes high in a lonely night.
The wide field shines with stars dangling low,
The river reflects the moon on the gorgeous flow.
Will literary works bring a man with fame
Being old and ill makes retirement an official game?
What am I like, drifting on so free?
A seagull roaming nowhere on the earth and sea.

Friday, March 20, 2015

A cold night at Waterfront 多倫多湖濱的一個寒夜

【Ontario Yours to Discover】《A cold night at lakeside Toronto》: John just called and suggested going night shots at Toronto Waterfront tonight. At 10 pm the Photo Buddy Trio, John, Derek and I eventually arrived at the waterfront facing the colorful skyline and the light-lit CN Tower.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Be With You 爾同在

【Photo Inspiration】
《爾同在 Be With You》by Peter  圖文: 卜利泉

倆相遇 we met
非偶然 not by chance
是緣份 but fate
爾同行 go with you
攀高山 climbing hills

Friday, March 13, 2015

The frozen Buffers Park 冰封懸崖公園

【Ontario Yours to Discover】《The frozen Bluffers Park》: The warm weather at 5°C made the frozen Bluffers Park Toronto lively. Swans and geese gathered on the smelting ice. People spent their leisure strolling at the park and feeding geese.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Duck knows first when spring arrives 春到鴨先知

【Ontario Yours to Discover】《Duck knows first when spring arrives》: My photo buddy John and I went to Scarborough Bluffs Park for landscape photography. Flock of geese were seen gathering around the shore and on the floating ice. The scene of these swimming ducks reminds me a Chinese poetry "The duck knows first when the river becomes warm in spring".

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Coming of Spring 春來

【Photo Inspiration】
《Coming of Spring》by Peter Bok
Returning geese fly with three different warbling
Three white patches enter into a colourful painting
In sunny spring homeward birds form hundred of flight in relay
In March they fly like flowers floating all over the mountain on display

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Frozen Toogood Pond 冰封泰顓池塘

【Ontario Yours to Discover】
《Frozen Toogood Pond》: In a sunny afternoon just after the Lantern Festival, I spent an hour strolling at the Toogood Pond in Toronto. It was -7°C and the pond was still frozen. The tranquil and icy pond adds wonders to my scenic photography.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

The Lantern Rice Ball 元宵湯圓

【Behind the Image】
《The Lantern Rice Ball》
Although there is no rice ball on Lantern night
The full moon on the fifteenth is round and bright.

Monday, March 2, 2015

My view of the frozen Niagara Falls 我眼中冰封的尼阿加拉瀑布

【Ontario Yours to Discover】《My view of the frozen Niagara Falls》: Niagara Falls is a world renowned place of interest. The beauty of the falls can be seen in all seasons. In winter, the frozen falls attract many visitors to take photographs of the wonderful beauty of the nature. Taking photos of the falls from different angles is a real enjoyment in landscape photography. It also presents the natural beauty from and and low.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Niagara Falls Day and Night 尼阿拉加瀑布日與夜

【Ontario Yours to Discover】《Niagara Falls Day and Night》: I went to Niagara Falls for photography on Feb 27, 2015. The weather was chilly with air temperature -15°C. The icy falls is well-known for scenic photography. I have never taken photos of the lit-night falls. I took the same scenes in day and night for easy comparison. Here is my first photo assignment.