Saturday, March 14, 2015

Be With You 爾同在

【Photo Inspiration】
《爾同在 Be With You》by Peter  圖文: 卜利泉

倆相遇 we met
非偶然 not by chance
是緣份 but fate
爾同行 go with you
攀高山 climbing hills
走荊途 passing brambles
越深谷 reaching valleys
過汪洋 crossing oceans
同甘苦 having joys and sorrows
去萬難 killing all hardship
相扶持 helping each other
分所見 sharing what seen
享所聞 enjoying what heard
乃人生 all in our life
真福份 is truly a good fortune

《Afterwords 》These photos were taken at Scarborough Bluff Park, Toronto 2 days ago. Amongst hundreds of photographs taken, I just selected those with pair of geese and spent 20 minutes to write the Chinese verse of three syllables in each line. The first photo actually summarizes the meaning of the poem. It was not easy to have this scene captured. It was a bare rocky dyke and the scene is too plain and dull. Eventually a man came by but it was still not a good scene for landscape photography. Later a woman came and joined the man. It was better but their posture was not good though. While I was shooting photographs of a pair of flying geese, I hoped they would fly over the pair of lovers. I was pressing the AF-ON button of the Nikon D300s continuously as if I was a pilot of the F-15 fighter firing at the targeted enemy plane. I was not disappointed, they continued to fly from right to left and finally passed over the pair of lovers. I finally selected this photos. All the photos have two geese to reflect the content of the poem "Be With You". Same to the geese and the lovers. 

Photo equipment:
Nikon D300s with GP-1 GPS
Nikon AF 17-55mm f/2.8
Nikon AF 80-200mm f/2.8


(Click photo for a larger view)
#1.   We met, not by chance but fate.
倆相遇 非偶然 是緣份

#2.  Go with you

#3.   Climbing hills

#4.  Passing brambles

#5.  Reaching valley

#6.  Crossing oceans

#7.  Having joys and sorrows

#8.  Killing all hardships

#9.  Helping each other

#10.  Sharing what seen

#11.  Enjoying what heard

#12.  All in our life ...
乃人生 ...

#13.  ... is truly a good fortune.
... 真福份

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