Monday, April 23, 2012

Making Cherry Blossoms like Chinese painting 將櫻花入畫

Making Cherry Blossoms like Chinese painting 將櫻花入畫On 19 April 2012, I went to High Park again to take photos of the cherry blossoms.  This time, I tried to make the photo of cherry look like traditional Chinese painting.  When taking photos, I already had a draft of a Chinese painting in my mind with which to select suitable flowers on the tree.  I selected those cherry looked like those in my "draft painting".

I needed to compose the shot with simplicity through shrewd observation.  I preferred those growing near the tip of the twig and not those with too many flowers or twigs in the background to avoid images overlapping one over the other.  I also selected slender and beautiful twigs for these shots.  This album was made with the use of Nikon's mega zoom lens AF300mm with f/2.8 large and constant aperture for better bokeh effect.  I used Photoshop to decorate the following two photos with frame, leaf graphics and Chinese poems.

2012年4月19日重臨海柏公園,再拍攝櫻花。這次,我嘗試「照片入畫」,將櫻花的形態以中國畫風格來顯示。拍攝的時候,心中先要有一幅花的「國畫草圖」,是想像的畫意「初稿」,要在樹上找「對像」,找出形態可配合國畫的櫻花。構圖要簡潔,觀察要入微,最好是找出生長在樹梢的櫻花,背後不要有其他花朵樹枝,避免產生影像重疊,並且選擇幼細和形態優美的樹枝。這輯照片全用藝康AF300mm「大砲」鏡頭,f/2.8 恆定大光圈,可製造理想的虛化背景效果。我利用 Photoshop 把以下兩幅照片美化,加了邊, 框樹葉圖案和詩詞。

Nikon D200, Nikkor AF300mm f/2.8, Nikon GP-1 GPS

Adding frame, leaf graphics and Chinese poem to make it more like a Chinese painting
加上畫框﹐ 樹葉圖案和詩詞﹐ 使照片成為富國畫的特式。

Emphasis on plain colors, balance and simplicity in photo composition
強調樸素色彩﹐ 均衡和簡潔的攝影構圖

Album:  Click for more photos 點擊更多照片 »


  1. I see another possibility with the flowers! I like the pictures. They are marvelous!

  2. 好作品!太神了!效果一流!诗情画意!巧妙!让我开眼界了!谢谢分享!支持!1704 BY D&X
