Monday, April 9, 2012

Qing Dynasty's Imperial Exam System 清代科舉展

On 30 November 2011, I visited the Exhibition of the Imperial Examination of Qing Dynasty in Hong Kong Museum of History.  The exhibition displayed many historical archives of the imperial examination system.  I was most interested in the examination questions, examination papers of the candidates, the golden scroll of the name list of the successful candidates in the imperial examination.
The term zhuang yuan (top scorer of the imperial examination system) has drawn people's envy.  Its implication is profound in the social and bureaucratic system in government service.  From these exhibits, we can see that these candidates require to read all Four Books and Five Classics, to write in Eight Legged Essay format, to use brush to write carefully, neatly and nicely.

Many of the exhibits were put inside show cases with spot-lights from above.  It will be harder to take photo with camera.  It will also be hindered by the reflective lights, viewing angle and the way the exhibits were placed.  I used Ricoh Digital GR3 with the Skew Correction mode to take all these photos.  This album has reflected the merit of the GR3 in capturing displayed photos!

The imperial examination system of China was introduced in AD 605 as a way to select talented candidates for government service.  This unique examination system was further developed and refined throughout the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties to the very last session, held in 1904.  It was abolished the following year.

Throughout its 1,300-year history, the imperial examination system produced over 700 zhuang yuan (principal graduates of palace examination), 110,000 jianshi (graduates of palace examination), several million juren (graduates of provincial examination) and countless siu cai, students who secured social status (graduates of preliminary examination).  Among them were many prominent government officials, philosophers and art masters who went on to make great contributions to China's polical, social and cultural development.

The moment of glory arrived with the announcement of the examination results.  The names of  the graduates were listed on a scroll that was posted outside the examination hall.  Once the results were made public, the news was quickly spread by word of  mouth and soon reached the homes of the successful candidates.

1886 Palace examination paper by Wang Yinhuai: The palace examinations were presided over by the  emperor himself where candidates were asked policy questions.  Successful candidates were ranked into three classes by their performance. Wang was from the Sichuan province and was ranked 14th in the second class when attending the palace examination in 1886.   

Past examination paper in Qing Dynasty:   An imperial decree was issued in 1901 to reform the imperial examination.  These examination papers from the provincial examination  were set after the reforms were implemented .  The first session deals with Chinese politics and history and the second with international politics and Western studies.  The third maintains the traditional focus on the "Four Books and Five Classics", but candidates were not allowed to answer the questions using the "eight-legged essay" format. 

Capturing the exhibit with Ricoh GR3

Skew photo corrected by GR3

Courtesy:  Hong Kong Museum of History






由皇帝親自監考以對策形式﹐就政事兵政農政等題材撰寫議論取錄名單稱為甲榜或金榜並分三甲: 一甲三位稱為狀元 榜眼探花: 二甲則統稱為進士出身: 三甲亦獲賞同進士出身



清光緒二十八年 (1902年) 清政府迫於形勢下詔改革考試內容。是年科舉首場以中國政治史事論命題

第二場試各國政治藝學策 (即議論外國政治及西學內容等)   




狀元試卷﹕  明朝

明朝狀元趙秉忠殿試卷 (複製品)﹕  趙 (1573-1626年) 乃山東青州人﹐明萬曆二十六年(1598年) 中狀元﹐官至禮部尚書。該殿試卷為目前唯一留存後世的明代狀元卷﹐原件現存於山東青州博物館。

狀元試卷﹕  清朝
清朝狀元曹鴻勳殿試策﹕  曹乃山東人﹐ 清光緒二年 (1876年) 丙子恩科狀元﹐歷任翰林院修撰。(相片已作斜度修正)
榜眼試卷﹕ 清朝

清朝榜眼王鳴誠殿試卷 (複製品)﹕  王 (1722-1797年) 乃上海嘉定人﹐﹐清乾隆十九年甲戌科 (1754年) 第一甲第二名進士﹐ 榜眼及第。



光緒年間欽取朝考卷刊本:  清代新科進士及第後由禮部編成名冊﹐奏請皇帝再試於保和殿擇其最優者授以官職。(相片已作斜度修正)

王蔭槐殿試卷﹕   殿試由皇帝親發策問。考生根據成績分三甲第一甲三名賜進士及第﹔ 第二甲若干名賜進士出身﹔第三甲若干名賜同進士出身。 王蔭槐四川人為清光緒十二年 (1886年) 第二甲第十四名進士。

鳴謝﹕  香港歷史博物館


1 comment:

  1. 正所谓“书中自有黄金屋,书中自有颜如玉”谢谢分享!By:1546D&X
