Sunday, May 8, 2016

Maternal Love 春暉

【Photo Inspiration】《Maternal Love》
Adapted the melody of the verse《Moonlight in the Deep Courtyard》 Text / Photography by Peter Bok

Up on the sunny ridge 
I climb to the peak 
All the black white good and bad 
Are on my feet 
Without forgetting maternal love and her brilliant deed 
To get me a poetry book for my learning need* 



*The Story Behind: In these few years I have travelled a lot for landscape photography and started to learn poetry writing. I am using "Anthology of Ci Poems Tunes" edited by Xu Menglan in 1795 as reference to write Chinese poems. I remember when I was studying Grade 5 in Hong Kong, once the teacher taught about Chinese poetry and mentioned this book. Out of curiosity and learning zeal, I begged my mother to buy this book for me. She then took me to the Kowloon Walled City and finally found this book in a small book shop at HK$2.00. At that time, bus fare was 10 cents. My mother was a widow of 3 children and made a living by carrying 2 buckets of well water on a shoulder pole for sale to the village folks at 10 cents for each portage. Carrying water for sale was her daily hard core for a family of 3 small children ! This book had strived her hard to carry a total of 40 buckets of water in 20 portages! I still keep this book and am using it to write poetry. This is a memorable old book and is my first reference book from my mom for learning poem writing till present. It is full of memories reflecting my mother's deep love and care for me and my 2 younger sisters. Today is Mother's Day, I would like to dedicate this poem to my mom who left us in 2012 in Hong Kong.

Photo equipment:
Nikon D300s with GP-1 GPS
Nikkor AF-S DX 17-55 mm f/2.8
Nikkor AF-S DX 12-24 mm f/4
iPhone 6s with 645 PRO App

*背後的故事: 在這幾年裡,我經常旅行作風景攝影,並學習詩詞寫作。我使用的是1795 年舒夢蘭編訂的《白香詞譜》作為填詞參考書。記得我在香港就讀小學五年級時,有一次中文老師講到中國詩詞,並介紹了這本書。出於好奇心和學詞的熱情,我央求媽媽給我買這本書。她拖着我到九龍寨城為我找書,終於在一小書店花了港幣二元買了這書。當時,公共車票價為港幣一毫錢(十仙)。我的母親是三個孩子的寡婦,每日用扁擔挑二桶井水售給村里的鄉親,每次賺一毫錢,整天就是為了家裡的三個小孩拼搏挑水幹活。本書已花去她挑四十桶水的精力!我仍保存此書沿用至今。這是一本值得紀念的舊書,也是母親給我的第一本課外書,讓我學習宋詞的啓蒙讀物。每看此書,緬懷往事,縈繞母親對我和兩個妹妹的深情和眷顧。 今天是母親節,我以這首詩獻給2012年在香港離去的母親。

(Click photo for a larger view)
#1. Without forgetting your love and brilliant deed

#2, Up on the sunny ridge I climb to the peak
登日嶺  上高峰

#3, All the black and white right or wrong are on my feet

#4, To get a poetry book to start my learning need


  1. 百行以孝為先,阿卜,今次我真的服你,敬佩你,你的品行,真的值得我們學習。

  2. It is so touching!

  3. 好感人.也想起我母親的偉大.母兼父職.
