Monday, April 1, 2013

The Only Vivid Color Photo 唯一鮮明的彩照

Photo Inspiration ...
A photo wins a thousand words, 
Maybe there is a story behind it.
畫意書情 ...


The Only Vivid Color Photo: This photograph was taken in Cheung Chau Island, Hong Kong. It had a light rain. I had an umbrella in one hand and the camera in another to shoot the scene. It is because of the overcast that all the shots of the scene are lacking color and the contrast is very low. Even so, I have completed a thematic post of "Rainy Snaps".

I remember the day I went to the East Beach, strolling along the footpath next to the beach. There is  a small basketball stadium next to the beach. The ground color of the stadium attracted me: blue ground, red circle and white boundaries were clearly distinct. The beach is visible behind the stadium. The sea and the sky are gloomy and gray whereas the colors of the basketball court are vivid casting a strong contrast.

To take this picture, I have to move the camera up and down to separate the beach from the basketball court: the former is on the upper half and the latter on the lower half of the screen. The tone of the whole picture looks very strong. The sea and the sky appear in black and white tones, the court is of strong bright colors. Light rain has cleaned up the court floor. The water softens the tough colors with ripples and displays the reflections of the thin pillars and eye-catching watchtower.

Secondly, I put the center line of the court floor at the center of the screen to strike a good balance and avoid the pillar stacking over the observation tower.

Finally, there is the roof of the stadium. I have to move left and right to align the angle of the roof to the center. I have to ensure a straight and well balance of the screen. However it is a pity that owing to the angle of the view, I cannot align the triangular tip atop to the middle of the screen.

This photo is a combination of art, design and photography. among all the photos taken in Cheung Chau, this is the only vivid color photo shot!

Nikon D300s, AF-DX 18-200mm, f/3.5-5.6 @18mm, f/5.6, 1/640sec, ISO 2000

「唯一鮮明的彩照」︰照片是在香港長洲拍攝的。當天下著微雨,我要一手打傘,一手用相機拍攝景物。由於天陰,拍出的景物都沒有色彩,反差很低。 雖然如此,我都可以完成了「雨中攝趣」的專題帖子。







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