Sunday, March 31, 2013

Rainy Snaps 雨中攝趣

Most people prefer sunny, blue sky and white clouds to go out taking photos. In rainy day, it will affect the shooting mood, even dispel the idea of photography. This day, I went to Cheung Chau Island in Hong Kong, going to shoot some distinctive views. Unfortunately, it rained all day from the beginning to the end of the trip.

As I was already there, I would have to shoot in the rain to get some surprises. I focus on the observation of the relationship between the rain  and the surrounding characters, emphasizing the reflection, contrast and composition skills in photography. In the rain, I opened my photographic eyes, and finally explored the discovery. The whole series of photos displayed in black and white.

Photo equipment:
Nikon D300s, Nikon GP-1 GPS
Nikon AF-DX 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6
645 PRO for iPhone 5



It is raining, open an umbrella, be careful, step-by-step and go ahead!
iPhone 5 @4.13mm, f/2.4, 1/60sec, ISO 50

People want to work, no matter good or bad, also be realistic.
Nikon D300s, AF18-200mm, f/3.5-5.6 @52mm, f/10.0, 1/80sec, ISO 1000

Gripping the handles and move on!
Nikon D300s, AF18-200mm, f/3.5-5.6 @75mm, f/10.0, 1/200sec, ISO 1000

Do not want to fall, if necessary, add more leg muscles!
Nikon D300s, AF18-200mm, f/3.5-5.6 @20mm, f/10.0, 1/125sec, ISO 1000

Do not let the curve of the earth hinder your future !
Nikon D300s, AF18-200mm, f/3.5-5.6 @44mm, f/5.6, 1/320sec, ISO 2000

Unreal image, is the portrayal of the fact!
Nikon D300s, AF18-200mm, f/3.5-5.6 @18mm, f/5.6, 1/500sec, ISO 2000

Pleased to see up and down "a gleam of the sky" in the shadows!
Nikon D300s, AF18-200mm, f/3.5-5.6 @20mm, f/5.6, 1/60sec, ISO 1000

No matter how bad the weather, no matter how annoying, people always want to live happily!
Nikon D300s, AF18-200mm, f/3.5-5.6 @170mm, f/5.6, 1/125sec, ISO 1000

The world seems to be divided so clearly, either black or white. Regardless of whether you are willing, sometimes you always follow the crowd blindly and led by the general public!
Nikon D300s, AF18-200mm, f/3.5-5.6 @35mm, f/5.6, 1/400sec, ISO 2000

God treat anything very fair, the rain falls on the ground and reflects the face of the doors.  Non-discriminatory!
Nikon D300s, AF18-200mm, f/3.5-5.6 @18mm, f/5.6, 1/500sec, ISO 2000

Entrenched old trees and roots, appeared hundred years of the best days. Let us go slowly to cherish every moment of the time that flies!
iPhone 5 @4.13mm, f/2.4, 1/20sec, ISO 200


  1. 这一辑很特别,你的摄影眼是不受气候;环境...等条件所影响,在平凡的环境下也可以创作出这么好的作品,佩服!有才!你采用黑与白的色像与明暗的对比把人生的哲学从你的作品中表现出来,太有意义了。喜欢【在陰暗處,喜見上下出現「一線天」】。从这一張我感想:真理道路虽然是崎岖不容易走,真理的門终然是窄的不容易进,我相信只要坚持,珍稀现在,盼望未来,曙光在前方!

    1. Derek: 謝謝分享你的感言。我希望一張看來普通的照片能「說話」﹐以配合畫意﹐ 所以我嘗試在文字創作方面下點心思﹐﹐使照片多一點「內在美」。我在四月一日開始了一個專集「畫意書情」:從一張照片說起﹐環繞「攝影」﹐無所不談﹐希望你也喜歡這專集並多給予意見。

  2. A lot of feelings are expressed through the pictures. That makes it special!
