Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Grove and Great River 小林與大江

【Photo Journey】
《On Grove and Great River》
  - Text and Photography by Peter Bok
《Anecdote of Siu-Lam》
When the great river drifted to the east
His orchestral charm had ceased
To western Hong Kong Siu-Lam moved
To give people her helping yeasts
From QE in southern Kowloon she shifted
To QM for the charity deeds
Being Big Dipper as medical social worker
She was touched by the early-flower-a-day gifts
To accept his love And his marriage feast
Today, I have the honor to have met my old colleague Grace Lam again after an absence of 27 years in Hong Kong. It cherishes my memory of the following events.

 •《Dragon Inn》: In 1968, Hong Kong staged a movie "Dragon Inn" directed by King Hu, a movie director from Taiwan. The movie was well received and broke the box office record. The martial arts presented in the movie was realistic and artistic. The soundtrack was even more interesting with percussion of Beijing opera using fast, haste, slow and delay tempo to create a unique tension. The movie soundtrack was composed by Ng Tai-kong. In late 1970s, King Hu invited Ng Tai-Kong (literally meant "Great River") who was then the Artistic Conductor with the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra to compose music for his movies "Legend of the Mountain" and "Raining in the Mountain". Thereafter, Ng continued to compose music for movies directed by King Hu and those produced by the Shaw's Brothers Ltd. I admired Ng's musical talent and often attended concerts presented by the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra. As his relationship with the orchestra deteriorated, Ng left for Taiwan till his death on September 4, 2001.

 •《The Legends of Ng Tai Kong》: Three years ago, I read "The Legends of Ng Tai Kong", a book written by Cheng Hok Yan and published by the Joint Publishing (HK) Limited. This book has revealed the anecdotes of Ng and his wife "Siu-Lam" (a pseudonym, literally meant "grove"). It was till that moment then I found out "Siu-Lam" was Grace Lam, my colleague with the Hong Kong Social Welfare Department. She initially worked at Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QE) in southern Kowloon and was later transferred to the Queen Mary Hospital (QM) in western Hong Kong. I had no knowledge of her relations with Ng until she told me about this when I emigrated to Canada in 1988.

 •《Anecdote of Siu-Lam》: Today is twenty odd years since our separation, I am glad to have met Grace again in Hong Kong and we have lunch together for reminiscing our old and interesting stories. She shared with me her past: Dr. Chan's an-early-flower-per-day eventually won her love. Talking about her encounter with Dr Chan, her present husband, Grace showed her sweet smile and charm of satisfaction on her face. While on my way home, I was impressed by Grace's candid decision in sharing her past with me. I eventually have this verse in my mind and let it be my dedication to Grace and Dr Chan to wish them a happy and healthy life forever.

 •《Dragon Inn》 movie excerpt:



 •《吳大江傳》:三年前,我閲讀了鄭學仁撰寫,由三聯書店(香港)有限公司出版的「吳大江傳」。書中描述了吳氏與前妻「小林」(化名) 的逸事,才知道她是香港社會福利處,在香港瑪麗醫院工作的同事。當年我與她共事,未知她與吳氏的關係,直到我於1988年離港移民加拿大才從她的口中得知。



#1. Movie poster

#2. Movie poste

#3. Movie promotional pamphlet

#4. Movie newspaper Ad

#5. Book cover of the "Autobiography of Ng Tai Kong"

#6. Encounter with Grace Lam again

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