Thursday, October 30, 2014

Fall Colors in Horseshoe Valley at Barrie 馬蹄谷上看秋色

【Ontario Yours to Discover】In Toronto, October is always a good month to see maple colors. In the past few years, I always spent an hour's drive north of Toronto to visit Horseshoe Valley Road in Barrie to enjoy the fall colors. I like to go to the section of the Horseshoe Valley Road near the Horseshoe Valley Skii Resort . The entrance of the resort is at the bottom of the slope. While standing on the top of the hill on the Horseshoe Valley Road, one will see the road run down to the valley bottom and continue to move up to the top of the hill. The road appears like a roller coaster on the slide.
Patches of maple colors cover the hills on both sides of the road. Watching each car run from the top to the bottom of the valley, then breathlessly crawl up and disappear in the top of the distant valley is really a fun! I pulled my car at the shoulder, stood by and armed with camera and tele lens to photograph maple colors on the highway. It is because of this action, many drivers traveling across thought that police was doing speed check. They all slowed down all the way up.

Photo equipment:
Nikon D300s, Nikon GP-1 GPS
Nikon AF 17-55mm f/2.8
Nikon Coolpix P7700 28-200mm

【安省景物 由你發掘】在多倫多,每年的十月都是賞楓的好時分。連續數年,我總會走訪多倫多以北約一小時車程的巴里市,在馬蹄谷大道欣賞楓葉。我喜歡跑到接近馬蹄谷滑雪場外的一段馬蹄谷大道拍攝。原因是滑雪場入口位於谷底,馬蹄谷大道正好沿著谷頂向下奔向谷底,繼續向前再攀上谷頂。形如過山車般奔上滑落。祇要站在谷頂,便可以一覧大道兩旁,楓色满山,看着汽車從谷頂往谷底奔馳,再氣喘喘地爬向谷頂,消失在谷巔遠處,實有一番趣味! 我在谷頂停車路肩,站在車旁,手持長鏡拍攝公路的兩旁楓色,就因為這種動作,令大部份駕駛者在對面山坡行駛時,誤以為是交通警察在路旁偵查車速。迊面而來的車輛見,紛紛減速了。

(Click photo for a larger view)

#1.  A good view of the fall along the Horseshoe Valley Road at Barrie
Nikon Coolpix P7700 @25mm, f/7, 1/160s, ISO 200

#2.  The eye-catching double yellow lines lead my view to the far end of the road up to the hill slope.
Nikon Coolpix P7700 @16mm, f/7, 1/125s, ISO 200

#3.  I captured the slim trunks decorated with beautiful colors of the maple leaves.
Nikon D300s 17-55mm f/2.8 @55mm, f/16, 1/100s, ISO 100

#4.  I took the first photo of the trees with vertical pan and merged it with the second photo of the same scene in normal shooting.
Nikon D300s 17-55mm f/2.8 @38mm, f/22, 1/5s, ISO 100

#5.  I love this photo as the maple leaves are presented vividly on the blurry and colorful background.  The photo is made with camera's overlay feature.  No PS is used.
Nikon D300s 17-55mm f/2.8 @55mm, f/22, 1/5s, ISO 200

#6.  My photo buddy John was captured taking photos of the maple leaves in the woods.
Nikon D300s 17-55mm f/2.8 @32mm, f/3.2, 1/320s, ISO 200

#7.  Maple red all over the ground in the forest
Nikon D300s 17-55mm f/2.8 @17mm, f/3.2, 1/400s, ISO 200

#8.  Cleaning the falling leaves
Nikon D300s 17-55mm f/2.8 @55mm, f/22, 1/5s, ISO 200
#9.  The creation of the dancing leaves
Nikon D300s 17-55mm f/2.8 @17mm, f/3.2, 1/1600s, ISO 800

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