Saturday, December 20, 2014

Sai Kung East Countryside 西貢東郊野

【Hong Kong Nostalgia】
《Sai Kung East Country Park in Hong Kong》: Hong Kong is widely known for her beautiful countryside and outlying islands. Liu Ke-xiang, a famous hiking observer from Taiwan in his new book, "Three-quarters of Hong Kong", also realized that three-quarters of the countryside is the actual character of Hong Kong. As such, on Dec 17, 2014 Colman, my university classmate and I went to Sai Kung East Country Park for taking photos of the country landscape. I am glad that he could join me as we have missed each other for several decades since we left university.
This was the first time we went for a long journey for landscape photography. We started our route from West Hill of Sai Kung East and followed McLehose Trail section 2 and 1 respectively to the East Dam of the High Island Reservoir. My first visit to this journey dated back to the time when I was still a boy scout in secondary school. At that time, we all young boys walked from Tai Mong Tsai of Sai Kung and climbed over several mountains to reach our campsite at Tai Long Sai Wan (Lit. Big Wave West Bay). The remote Sai Kung East Country Park had beautiful verdant hills and long winding coastline with lovely beaches good for hiking and camping. This was the second time I followed the same route and came to the same old place. The lovely landscape seen in the past remains intact and pretty without any impact of the urbanization. This time we had spent 4 hours to complete the whole trip. In this journey we met Alex, a young man coming from Shanghai to Hong Kong for one month project, who was hiking alone on the same route. We became friends and continued the rest of our journey together. Alex left Hong Kong for Shanghai next day. This album is a record of our memorable excursion with old and new friendship encountered in the journey.
Photo equipment:
Nikon Coolpix P7700 28-200mm f/2.8-4
《西貢東郊野公園》: 香港有美麗怡人的郊野及離島皆廣為人知。台灣著名行山觀察家劉克襄也在他的『四分之三的香港』,新書中,體悟廣達四分之三的郊野才是香港本色。為此,在2014年12月17日,我和大學一位同學往西貢東郊野拍攝美麗的風光。我很高興他與我同行,因為離開大學數十年,我們鮮有機會同遊,何況這是我們首次的行山攝影。我們先從西貢東部的西山出發,沿麥理浩徑第二接第一段步行到萬宜水庫東壩作終點。我初次行走這條旅線,可追溯到我在中學當童子軍的年代。當年,我們都是年輕男孩,從西貢大網仔出發,徒步攀登幾個山頭,到達大浪西灣營。當年偏僻的西貢東部郊野很吸引,都是美麗青翠的山丘和長長彎曲的海岸線,也有多個怡人的沙灘,適合遠足和露營。我重返舊地,數十年前美麗的風景未受城市化的影響,依美如舊,當年走過和看過的美麗場景,仍歷歷在目。這次,我們花了四小時,完成整個行程。途中偶遇一位來港公幹一個月,獨自行山的上海青年,我們三人同行,成為好友,第二天他便離港返回上海了。這專輯記錄了我們難忘的旅程和新知舊雨在途中的縈懷。

(Click photo for a larger view)
【 Mountains ● 巒山
#1.   Viewing the beautiful and massive works of the High Island Reservoir from the hill.

#2.  The East Dam of the High Island Reservoir is visible in distance.

#3.  Taking photos of the beautiful landscape

#4.  This charming landscape brings my memory back to the time when I travelled along this same trail as a boy scout in secondary school.

#5.  A full view of "One sharp (Sharp Peak) and four bays (Sai Wan, Ham Tin Wan, Tai Wan and Tung Wan)".

#6.  Annotation of location

#7. I continued my journey on this trail downward to Long Ke Bay on the right.

#8.  The afternoon sun makes the waters glitter.


【 Beach ● 沙灘

#9.  Long Ke Bay has clear waters and sandy beach.

#10. These small dunes were formed by the sea breeze.

#11.  Tidal rocks emerge from the golden beach.

#12.  Lovely waves swept into the tranquil Long Je Beach.

#13.  In the shade is Long Ke Camp Ground

#14.  Looking to the beach from the Long Ke camp ground.

【 Trail ● 山徑

#15.  The small pavilion is visible at Tsui Tung Au.

#16.  Viewing the trail just past from the pavilion at Tsui Tung Au.

#17.  The path meanders onto the verdant mountain.

#18.  McLehose Trail

#19.  Trail side pavilion

#20.  Part of the trail is full of different size of boulders which make the journey more difficult.

#21.  Cement trail of McLehouse Trail

#22.  McLehose Trail meanders on the hillslope above the Long Ke Bay.

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