Thursday, August 21, 2014

Diary of the Super Moon in Toronto 多倫多巨月日誌

【Ontario Yours to Discover】
On April 15: 《Missed the Lunar eclipse》
That night, the cloudy sky was not good for moon photography! August 10, 2014 is another great chance to capture the imminent super moon. Super moon is the moon at perigee with the closest point of 356,955 kilometers to Earth in its orbit – one that is up to 14 per cent bigger and 30 per cent brighter than a regular full moon.

【 安省景物  由你發掘】
4月15日 :《錯過了月食》
這晚多雲,不利於月亮攝影。2014, 8月10日將是另一個好機會拍攝超級月亮。超級月亮是月亮旋轉的軌道距離地球356,955公里的最近點:它比常規的滿月大14%,30%更亮。

Photo equipment:
Nikon D300s with GP-1 GPS
Nikon AF 17-55mm f/2.8
Nikon AF 80-200mm f/2.8
Tamron 500mm f/8 Reflex Lens

(Click photo for a larger view)
【 Welcome the Moon ● 迎月】

August 9: 《Welcome the Super Moon》
I was off work and was driving on my way home. These few nights, I always looked up the sky to find the imminent supermoon. It was 11:50pm. I saw her shining up in the sky! My photo buddy, John just called me to photograph this moon. Although the super moon would be the biggest and brightest next night, I still used my Tamron 500mm f/8 mirror reflex lens to capture this beautiful image of the moon.

晚上我剛下班,在回家路上駕車行駛。這幾個晚上,我總是抬頭望天,尋找將會出現的超級月亮。這時是晚上 11時50分。我發現她閃亮高掛在天空!我的拍友阿章剛剛給我電話,着我拍下這明月。雖然最大的和最光亮的超級月亮將會在第二天晚上出現,我還是用我的騰龍500毫米f / 8光圈反射鏡頭先拍下月亮這美貌。

#1.  I left home again at 1:30am and drove hither and thither to look for a good location to capture this super moon, just a day earlier to view her fullest size. This moon photo was in original size, captured with a Tamrom 500mm f/8 Reflex Lens with a 2x Converter on the Nikon D300s body. 1500mm (35mm equiv.), f/16, 1/250s, ISO 200 (full manual).
我在凌晨一時三十分離開居所,駕車到處打探拍攝超級月亮的理想位置,這是巨月的前夕。這月亮照片是原大,用騰龍500mm f/8 反射鏡頭連兩倍增倍鏡拍攝。1500mm (等同35mm制式)f/16 1/250秒 ISO 200 (全手動調較)。

【 Admire the Moon ● 賞月】

August 10: 《Admire the Super Moon》
At 6:30pm, I went to lakeshore Toronto to take photos of the super moon. While arriving at the lakeshore, I saw the beautiful dusk over the Toronto skyline! When the night came, the night view of the skyline was even gorgeous! Finally the super moon appeared at 8:30am! Later, I changed my mind and headed to Ontario Place hoping to capture the moon at a better location. But the parking lot was full! Without avail, I returned home but had taken some shots of the moon on my way home in Scarborough.
下午6時30分,我獨自跑到多倫多湖邊拍攝超級月亮。到達之際,我被多倫多天際城市美麗的黃昏所陶醉! 夜幕低垂,天際夜景更加華麗!終於,超級月亮在晚上8:30分出現!後來我改變主意,前往安省遊樂宮,希望在更好的位置拍攝月亮。抵達時才知道停車場已全 滿!沒法之餘,惟有回家。在往士嘉堡的回家路上,我還是拍下不少巨月的照片。

#2.  While awaiting the coming of the super moon, I was enchanted by the changing beauty of the sky and cloud colored by the setting sun. 

#3.  Night is falling and Toronto skyline is lit.

#4.   Having appreciated the beautiful dusk and taken the night shots of the charming Toronto skyline, I successfully captured the imminent super moon!

#5.  I was not only enjoying the beautiful dusk of the Toronto skyline but also taking this night shot of the Toronto skyline!

#6.  While on the way home in Scarborough, I captured the bright moon at a school campus.

#7.  I passed the familiar super church on Steeles Avenue and her beautiful leaf-shaped light reflection on the dome attracted me.  I took this shot and the super moon in one photo.  I used double exposure technique to retain the detail of the moon while adjusting the meter setting to keep the light mood of the church building!

【 Farewell the Moon ● 追月】

August 11: 《Farewell the Super Moon》
Tonight, the Photo Trio, John, Derek and I went to lakeshore Toronto for night photography and to farewell the super moon. Though it started raining 30 minutes after our arrival, we came back after a quick dinner in John's restaurant. It is a pity that the moon did not come back again tonight. We then spent our time on portrait photography with flashlight!


#8.  Thousands of birds flying up briskly in the sky indicated that rain was coming!

#9.  The gloomy sky did not affect the mood of taking wedding photography in front of the beautiful Toronto skyline.

#10.  《the Price for a Remembrance》: Sometime, we need full strength and effort to keep a precious moment for recollection.  It is not only priceless but requires utmost humble and scrape!
《珍貴一刻的代價》:  有時,我們不惜全力以赴,也要卑躬屈節,「瞓身」換取一瞬珍貴的時刻。得來的,實在價值不菲!

#11.  The joy of lovers enhanced by the charming city skyline!

#12.  Tranquility in a moonless night


  1. 美拍,超靚........

  2. Dear Peter,
    Thanks for sharing these beautiful night shots. I like #7 very much. The light through the roof’s windows forms an interesting pattern, associates nicely with the nearby full moon.

  3. The photos are excellent.
