Friday, June 22, 2012

The first & hot summer day in Victoria Harbour 炎夏湖濱小維港

20 June 2012 is the first day of summer. It is a very hot sunny day. Temperature is 34C and reaches 43C with humidity. I started driving from Toronto at 9am, along Highway 400 to the north for 160km﹐, exited at Highway 12, passed Maubaushene, a small town visited early this month. Victoria Harbour, destination of this trip, is located on its west, a small town on the waterfront. Exiting Highway 12 came to the Park Street, the main street from south to north, up to the lake shore.
A small peninsular stretches out to the lake where the Victoria Harbour Dock exists. A small bay anchored with many sailboats. A light house of a restaurant becomes the landmark of the town. The business centre of the town lied along Park Street but its prosperity in the old days diminished. Several of the commercial buildings and the town hall still remain. The natural Tay Shore Trail starts from Maubaushene on the east, passing Victoria Harbour, Port McNicoll and Midland to the west.  A must for all visitors.

Photo equipment:
Nikon D200, AF18-200mm f/3.5-5.6, Nikon GP-1 GPS
Ricoh Digital GR3

2012年6月20日,是進入夏季的第一天。陽光普照,非常酷熱,是攝氏34度,加上濕度,氣溫高達43度。早上九時驅車,由多倫多北走,沿400號公路走160公里,轉12號公路,經過月初到訪的 Maubaushene,Victoria Harbour 在其西隣,也是靠湖邊的一個小鎮。很快12號公路右轉進入Park Street,是鎮內的主要街道,由南到北,直達湖邊。靠湖邊的一處有一小半島伸出湖濱,這裡是維多利亞港小碼頭所在,旁邊也是帆船遊艇的停泊處。碼頭旁的餐廳,屋頂建有燈塔,成為地標。Park Street原是百年前的市中心,以前的舊房屋已消失。紅色的市政大廳便設在這裡。自然教育徑Tay Shore Trail 便沿着湖濱由Maubaushene 經Victoria Harbour 再往西的Port McNicoll 及Midland﹐ 是遊人不可錯過的地方。

Victoria Harbour Dock
Nikon D200, 18mm, 1/250sec at f/11, ISO 200

Free swim
Nikon D200, 18mm, 1/320sec at f/11, ISO 200

Restaurant with a light house is landmark
Nikon D200, 18mm, 1/320sec at f/11, ISO 200

Sailboats dock
Nikon D200, 18mm, 1/320sec at f/11, ISO 200

A toy left by kid
Nikon D200, 200mm, 1/320sec at f/11, ISO 200

Free fly
Nikon D200, 105mm, 1/320sec at f/11, ISO 200

Rocks on stone beach
Nikon D200, 18mm, 1/250sec at f/11, ISO 200

Shallow waters
Nikon D200, 18mm, 1/160sec at f/11, ISO 200

My afternoon snacks & my photo equipment.  I put a napkin below the hamburger.  It looks real!
Ricoh Digital GR3, 28mm, 1/30sec at f/8, ISO 800
我的下午茶餐和攝影器材。 我將紙巾放在漢堡飽下, 看來可充飢了?


  1. 好片!好美丽的小镇!风景优雅!是值得去走走!美味的午餐!感谢分享!特别喜欢 Rocks on stone beach!2337BY D&X

  2. Good pictures, I am glad you choose this type of life style, and I can see you enjoy it. Give me a call.

    Frank Yuen

  3. Hi Frank,
    You have been in Canada for 40 odd years, have you ever been to these places? We believe: Ontario, yours to discover! Thanks for visit!

  4. The blue color theme of the photos has cooling effect to me at this hot summer.

    --- SM

  5. Dear Peter,

    Very impressive to view your photo album especially the photo of your afternoon meal and photo equipment.


