Monday, June 4, 2012

On the waterfront of Maubaushene 閑遊湖濱小鎮

Toronto's Hwy 400 is running from south to north for more than several thousand kilometers. There are many attraction spots along the highway. In a sunny morning on 31 May, I was driving from Toronto for 150km and exited at Hwy 12 to visit a small town Maubaushene. It was the largest mill town in 1860. Its industries and businesses and many of its workers' cabins, have now vanished.

Several new homes and cottages can be seen on the network of streets that overlook Georgian Bay and a few reminders of the mill days linger on. Pine Street is the main road running up the hill. At the crest was once the commercial core, now largely vanished and the red brick of the Roman Catholic Church came into the view. Pine Street runs down the hill to the waterfront where the old Maubaushene Dock locates.  The Tay Shore Trail runs along the lake shore and links several towns.  This trail is good for hikers, cyclists, nature lovers to enjoy hours of natural beauty of the lake view. Back to Pine Street and turn left to Hazel Street where the Maubaushene Elementary School exists. Along this road many cottages and old houses were built by the lake. The road bents to the right to follow the shore-line.  The old bridge that crosses the narrows remains a local landmark.

Photo equipment:
Nikon D200, AF Nikkor 24mm f/2.8D, Nikon GP-1 GPS
Lumix G10 with Contax Carl Zeiss G Lens 90mm f/2.8
Ricoh Digital GR3

多倫多的400號公路,由南往北跨越數千公里。沿途經過許多安省的景點。5月31日是一個晴朗的早上,從多倫多出發,沿400號公路驅車北上150公里,出12號公路進入湖濱小鎮Maubaushene。小鎮建於1860年,是當時最大的磨坊鎮。當年繁榮的市中心建有工廠、商業區和工人住宅區。隨着時間的過去,這些建築相繼消失,衹留下一部份當年的建築物和一些住宅,作為歷史的見證與回憶。Pine Street 是鎮內的主要街道,由南往北,爬上小山丘,一座紅磚建成的天主教堂座落在山頂。從這裡可見Pine Street 伸展到湖邊,當年的碼頭現變成湖濱觀景台。旁邊的Tay Shore Trail 自然徑,連綿數十公里靠湖邊走,為遊人、單車客和大自然愛好者帶來觀賞悠閒美景的樂趣。從Pine Street 轉入Hazel Street 沿路建有臨湖的別墅和渡假屋,附近的一座橋仍保留着,成為小鎮的地標了。

Maubaushene Dock becomes an observational deck located at the end of the Pine Street

Colors and texture of the rocks captured at low angle

The foreground is decorated with many beautiful stones

It is small and lovely, just like a toy.

This church was built in 1881 by the employees of the Georgian Bay Lumber Company in memory of their General Manager Theodor W.  Buck.
此教堂建於1881年﹐ 由一班木材工人建成以紀念工廠的已故經理。

The original Pine Street extends to the crest of the hill in distant.  It is now intercepted by the Hwy 400 network at the valley of the hill.
原來的道路伸展到對面山頭﹐ 現被建於山谷的400號公路截斷了

Waterfront view

1 comment:

  1. 山青水秀好风光,好片好机好技术。谢谢分享!2143 By D&X
