I captured this scene behind 2 men and the Ricoh GR3 is not intimidating and glamorous. 我站在兩人背後用不顯眼的麗確GR3相機拍攝 Ricoh Digital GR3, 28mm, 1/30sec at f/1.9, ISO 80 |
I hold the camera just above their shoulder and the 28mm is wide enough to do street snap. 我將相機移到他們肩上位置拍攝﹐ 28mm 鏡頭夠寬方便街頭抓拍。 Ricoh Digital GR3, 28mm, 1/80sec at f/1.9, ISO 64 |
A small camera is better than a DSLR with a 5 inches zoom lens in street shots. 街頭抓拍以小型相機比數碼單反連五吋變焦鏡來得方便快捷 Ricoh Digital GR3, 28mm﹔ 1/30﹐sec at f/1.9, ISO 100 |
I use a low angle to capture this shot 我以低角度拍攝 Ricoh Digital GR3, 28mm, 1/30sec at f/1.9, ISO 84 |
Drawing 繪畫 Ricoh Digital GR3, 28mm, 1/30sec at f/1.9, ISO 84 |
I was deeply moved by his effort of making flowers without both hands in 2 minutes. 用一雙斷肢祇在兩分鐘內製成麵粉花﹐ 我被感動了﹗ Ricoh Digital GR3, 28mm﹐ 1/20sec at f/1.9, ISO 154 |
The expression of this boy is interesting! 小孩的神情很有趣 Ricoh Digital GR3, 28mm﹐ 1/30sec at f/1.9, ISO 148 |
The food hawker is making popular traditional snacks﹕ 街頭受歡迎的傳統小食﹕ 魚蛋豬皮牛雜 Ricoh Digital GR3, 28mm, 1/40sec at f/1.9, ISO 64 |
好片!感谢你又带我游览东方之珠-香港!我最喜欢‘傳統小食﹕ 魚蛋豬皮牛雜’那作品!支持原创!2263 D&X