Thursday, March 8, 2012

Looking for the Scenic Luk Keng 鹿頸尋源

Today I viewed some old photos taken several years ago in Hong Kong. I was impressed by one particular photo: three small incense burners captured in row were facing a tranquil bay of shallow water. A small island with flourishing plants and trees was in distant. A cityview was slightly seen far behind on the horizon. Where was this place in Hong Kong that this photo was taken?
The photo was dated 10 March 2010. I could barely remember that my friend drove me to the New Territories of Hong Kong. He chose places hardly accessible by public transport so that I could take more scenic photos. The scenery in this area looked picturesque but I had no idea where they were. Finally, I got some clues from one of the other photos in which the "Keung Kee Grocery Shop" and a road signed "Luk Keng Road" were seen. I used Google Map to locate the road and the mouse to follow the route to check its photos to find the shop. Luckily, I located the place "Luk Keng" (lit. deer neck) which was in the north-eastern New Territories. As the place was remote and had not been affected by any wide-scale urban development, it still reserved its natural and serene environment. A Chinese pavilion built by the roadside was the Temple for the Goddess of Heaven. It looked over the bay to bless and protect the fishermen. I had also located the small island in the Google Map. As such, I had geotagged all the photos with Picasa. In future, bear in mind to take one or two photos of the landmarks, such as road sign and building etc. for future reference. In the following year, I bought the Nikon GP-1 GPS device for geotagging photos.

今天翻看早年在香港拍攝的舊相片,其中一張較特別而印像深刻:三個香爐一列平排,對着是一片寧靜水淺的海灣,遠處有一個樹木茂盛的小島,後遠方水平線上隱約見到市區的影像。究竟這裡是香港的甚麼地方呢?相片註明是2010年3月10日。仍依稀記得香港友人駕車環遊新界,選擇公共交通難抵達的地方,以方便我獵影。這一帶沿海環境幽美,但無法記得是何處。終於在這輯照片中找到蛛絲馬跡。其中一張照片,拍了一間名叫「強記士多」,旁便的路牌寫着「鹿頸路」。我便利用Google Map,找到香港新界東北的鹿頸路,用滑鼠沿途查看地面的圖片,終於找到照片的位置。原來這輯照片在香港新界東北的鹿頸拍攝。由於地處偏僻,這一帶仍未有大規模的發展,所以仍可保留優美的天然環境。路邊的一座中國式涼亭,用作「天后廟」,面向海心,保佑附近的漁民。照片上的小島,在地圖也找出其位置。我便利用地圖的方位,將每張照片都加上方位指標。日後,不要忘記多拍些有地標和特別的建築物作為後期拍攝位置參考之用。一年後,我便買了Nikon GP-1 的GPS相機附件,方便在拍攝時自動為每張照片加上方位記錄。

Nikon D40X, AF-S DX VR Zoom-Nikkor 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6G IF-ED

Album: 鹿頸尋源 Looking for the Scenic Luk Keng


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