Saturday, February 28, 2015

Ragged ship on ice 歷劫滄桑冰破船

【Ontario Yours to Discover】《Ragged ship on ice》: On February 27, 2015 I was driving from Toronto along QEW northbound to Niagara. I saw an abandoned ship anchored west of St. Catharine on the shoreline of the Jordan Harbor. It was cold with air temperature -15°C. pulled my car aside and walked down to the icy harbor. My feeling was proximity to the Arctic ice and snow. The view of the ragged ship on ice impressed me with the essence of photography that can be used to record the good, the bad and the ugly!

《The history》: The ragged ship was "La Grand Hermine“, otherwise known as “The Big Weasel”, is 140 feet long, a replica of the 3 ships back in 1535. It was constructed in 1914 in Quebec and began as a ferry on the St Lawrence, later a cargo ship and finally a floating restaurant. In 1991, it was changed back to a replica ship and sailed to Jordan Harbour with the intention to be a floating restaurant or a casino. While the owner was awaiting official permission, he was lacking required funds in the project. Eventually he passed away and the ship was docked there for years till present. In 2003, a fire damaged the ship but the rustic outlook attracted many photographers to create many artistic and wonderful photographs. The abandoned ship is now a remarkable Niagara landmark and favorite roadside attraction to many people.

Photo equipment:
Nikon D300s, GP-1 GPS
Nikon AF 17-55mm f/2.8
Nikon Coolpix P7700 28-200mm f/2.8-4

【安省景物 由你發掘】《歷劫滄桑冰破船》: 2015年2月27日,我從多倫多駕車沿伊莉莎伯皇后大道向尼亞加拉北向行駛,看見路旁一艘廢棄的三桅帆船斜倚在聖嘉芙蓮約旦港口的岸邊。我將汽車停在一旁,走到結冰的湖面。天氣嚴寒,氣溫攝氏零下15度,感覺如身臨極北的冰天雪地。冰上破船的畫面令我印象深刻。攝影的真諦,可以用來記錄自然界好的、壞的和醜陋的面貌!

《歷史》: 這艘破船名為「香格里拉•大愛米娜」,或稱為「大黃鼠狼」號,船長140英尺,是1535年三艘複製品中其中最大的一艘。它於1914年在魁北克建造,並開始在聖勞倫斯河作渡輪、後來貨船,最後改為水上餐廳。1991年,它被改為復古船,駛往約旦港灣作為水上餐廳或賭場。東主正在等候官方批准之際,也缺乏改建計畫所需的資金,未能圓夢之時卻不幸去世了。這艘歴劫滄桑的破船便停靠在那裡直到現在。2003年的一場大火破壞了船身,但其古樸生銹的外貌卻吸引眾多攝影師創造出許多富藝術性和優秀的攝影作品。這艘遭遺棄的三桅船現在是尼亞加拉的著名地標,也成為該區的路邊景點,吸引了不少公路過客。

(Click photo for a larger view)
【 Abandoned Ship ● 棄船

#1.  冰天雪地,船破冰面,我猶如置身於極北之冰封大地。
Icy and snowy with abandoned ship on ice, I felt that I was in the far north of the frozen earth.

#2.  The masts of the abandoned ship appear by the highway!
Nikon Coolpix P7700 @60mm, f/7, 1/2000s, ISO400

#3.  The ragged ship had been there at the Jorden Harbor for years.  It has become a popular spot for photographers.
Nikon Coolpix P7700 @28mm, f/7, 1/2000s, ISO400

#4.  Built in 1914, the "The Big Weasel",  has ended the vicissitudes of her life here.
Nikon D300S 17-55mm @17mm, f/5.6, 1/8000s, ISO 400

#5. It is only the small lighthouse be her companion for years.
Nikon Coolpix P7700 @28mm, f/7, 1/2000s, ISO400

#6.  A fire in 2003 has changed her destiny!
Nikon Coolpix P7700 @28mm, f/7, 1/1600s, ISO400

#7.  Her classic but rustic outlook has added wonder to many photographers.
Nikon Coolpix P7700 @80mm, f/7, 1/2500s, ISO400
【 Her Companions ● 伴侶

#8.  A lighthouse stands in the cold air on the solitary icy lake.
Nikon D300S 17-55mm @55mm, f/18, 1/640s, ISO 400

#9.  With no exception, this floating dock was tortured with chilly cold and deep-frozen ice.
Nikon D300S 17-55mm @26mm, f/18, 1/1000s, ISO 400

#10.  Some anglers were doing ice fishing inside small huts built on the icy lake in distance.
Nikon Coolpix P7700 @28mm, f/7, 1/2000s, ISO400

#11. Cold whiz and icy makes it hard to walk
He is desolate leaving mercy in his talk
Nikon Coolpix P7700 @28mm, f/7, 1/2000s, ISO400

#12,  The end

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