In the past two years, I used to go out alone to take pictures. More recently, my photo buddies John, Derek and I always met together for photography. So we called our group the "Photographic Trio" to share photographic experience. That evening, we went to the Toronto waterfront to take shots of the late night view. We also went to the bridge of Brimley Avenue over Toronto Highway 401 to capture the traffic lights on the highway.
We learnt to shoot photos with full manual mode and long exposure techniques. In addition to using my Nikon digital SLR camera, I also shot with the Ricoh compact camera. This is my first time in Toronto doing night shots for my photography assignments.
Photo equipment:
Nikon D300s with Nikon GP-1 GPS
AF-S DX Zoom-NIKKOR 17-55mm f/2.8G IF-ED
Ricoh Digital GR 3, 28mm, f/1.9, 10MP
【安省景物 由你發掘】
(Click photo for a larger view)
【CN Tower ● 加拿大電訊塔】
2. At 11pm, the buildings of the Toronto lakeshore were brightened up. Nikon D300s, 17-55mm, f/2.8 @23mm, f/8, 8 sec, ISO 200 (manual mode) 晚上11時,華燈照亮多倫多的湖濱建築。 |
【Sheldon Lookout Park ● 榭爾登觀景公園】
5. 12:52am: The bridge is decorated with beautiful lights and reflection on waters. Ricoh Digital GR3 @6mm, f/9, 8 sec, ISO 200 (manual mode) 12時52分:天橋被燈光及水中倒影裝扮得美侖美奐! |
6. 1:12am: The cloudy sky in late night was revealed for 8 seconds! Ricoh Digital GR3 @6mm, f/3.5, 8 sec, ISO 200 (manual mode) 凌晨1時12分:用八秒長時間曝光將晚空雲彩顯現! |
7. 1:27am: Presenting the moving cloud in late night for 30 seconds! Ricoh Digital GR3 @6mm, f/9, 30 sec, ISO 200 (manual mode) 凌晨1時27分,我用30秒時間曝光,拍出夜空彩雲移動的狀態! |
【Photographic Trio ● 攝影三人組】
8. 1:14am: Having photographic zeal, we were still taking night shots Ricoh Digital GR3 @6mm, f/5, 8 sec, ISO 200 (manual mode) 凌晨1時14分,我們攝意尚濃,仍在拍摄夜景。 |
【Road Light ● 路光】
11. Lines of tail lights left from the passing vehicles. Nikon D300s, 80-200 mm, f/2.8 @200mm, f/16, 5 sec, ISO 160 (manual mode) 駛過的汽車留下長長的燈影 |
【Ricoh Digital GR3 ● 麗確GR3】
I like #8 the best. I like the moon in #1.