Friday, June 27, 2014

Sunset Pickering 日落碧谷寧

【Ontario Yours to Discover】 Toronto has charming evening, but to shoot the beautiful sunset at dusk, we have to invest a little thought to find a suitable location good for photography. Perhaps we can go to the lakeshore downtown. The Toronto lake has a long shoreline which stretches eastward with many sunset attractions. That day, Derek, John and I, the Photo Trio went to Pickering, about 20km east of Toronto to take some sunset photographs.

We arrived at a lakeside square with a vast promenades and a trail extends to the yacht harbor. Families enjoyed their sunset time whereas some people rowing kayak and other cruising speedboat. Time turned late, pairs of lovers had their sweet moment at the waterfront and the setting sun became a red ball of light staining the lakeside scene with orange-red color.

Oath of eternal love: strong, sturdy and efficacious.  However, my friend read it but shared his different view. He wrote: "Oath of eternal love is never efficacious." He believes that not all things are expected as a matter of course. Since there are times when we cannot change the environment, it can only be faced with optimism. Therefore, I wrote: "Things like chess games that always change. As you feel that eternal love is not everlasting, simply let the dark night turn to dawn!" I think this is the spirit of Ah Q that we may use to appreciate the nature and take it easy. This is a kind of self-liberation!

Photo equipment:
Nikon D300s, GP-1 GPS
Nikon AF 17-55mm f/2.8
Nikon AF 80-200mm f/2.8

 【 安省景物  由你發掘】多倫多的黃昏迷人,但要拍攝黃昏日落的美景,便要花點心思,找個適合的地點,例如可以去到市中心的湖濱。而多倫多湖畔有很長的湖岸線,向東伸展,都是觀賞日落的景點。這天,我與攝影三人組的章和東,到多倫多二十多公里的碧谷寧湖濱獵影,拍攝黃昏落日的湖濱。這是一個遊艇停泊的海灣,湖濱廣場遼闊,小路沿湖濱長堤伸延到遊艇遊艇停泊的港口。也有在湖畔泛舟和駕駛快艇。一家大小在湖畔乘涼,情侶雙雙,促膝談心,夕陽湖畔,海誓山盟。時間轉晚,太陽開始西下,變成發出燈紅色的光球。將湖畔景色染滿橙紅色的色彩。

湖畔夕陽,海誓山盟。正是:人約黃昏,兩情相願,湖山盟訂:「壁、固、靈」。友人看見,有感而發,也寫下:湖山盟訂,「 不 覺 靈 」。他認為並非所有事情都如願以償。既然有些時候我們不能改變環境,就祗能樂觀地面對了。所以,我還以:如棋世事「不覺靈」?可將黑夜變天明!我想,一點阿Q精神,也可通過欣賞自然界變化的一種自我解脫的方法!

(Click photo for a larger view)
【 Oath of Eternal Love  ● 湖山盟訂

#1,  Oath of eternal love in the dusk of the lakeside.
Nikon D300s, 17-55mm, f/2.8 @17mm, f/8, 1/500s, ISO 200


#2.  Millennium Park at Pickering
Nikon D300s, 17-55mm, f/2.8 @17mm, f/13, 1/800s, ISO 800


#3.  Getting tired, take a rest and enjoy a sweet moment.
Nikon D300s, 17-55mm, f/2.8 @26mm, f/5, 1/8500s, ISO 250


#4.  They are in pairs but I am alone!
Nikon D300s, 80-200mm, f/2.8 @80mm, f/13, 1/800s, ISO 800


#5.  The setting sun became a red ball of light staining the lakeside scene with orange-red color.
Nikon D300s, 80-200mm, f/2.8 @80mm, f/13, 1/500s, ISO 800 


【Let us row the paddles】
Song: Chi LIU / Lyrics: Yu CIAO
Let us row the paddles
Little boat pushes waves forward...
Lightly floating on water
Cool breeze blows across my face

曲:劉熾 / 詞:喬羽

#6,  Friendship and collaboration generate power to move on.
Nikon D300s, 80-200mm, f/2.8 @145mm, f/13, 1/1600s, ISO 800良朋益友,同舟共濟,攜手合力,破浪前進。

#7. Let us row the paddles
 Nikon D300s, 17-55mm, f/2.8 @55mm, f/5, 1/5000s, ISO 250

#8.  Little boat pushes waves forward...
Nikon D300s, 17-55mm, f/2.8 @50mm, f/5, 1/5000s, ISO 250

#9.  Lightly floating on water.  Cool breeze blows across my face
Nikon D300s, 17-55mm, f/2.8 @31mm, f/5, 1/8000s, ISO 250
輕輕飄盪在水中  迎面吹來涼爽風

【Sunset Pickering ● 日落碧谷寧】
#10.  Anglers in the dusk
Nikon D300s, 17-55mm, f/2.8 @19mm, f/5, 1/4000s, ISO 250


#11.  Flying in the dusk
Nikon D300s, 80-200mm, f/2.8 @200mm, f/5, 1/320s, ISO 250



1 comment:

  1. I like #3, #9 and #10 the best! These pictures got a special feeling.
