Saturday, February 2, 2013

The fading of Nga Tsin Wai Tsuen 正在湮滅的衙前圍村

Nga Chin Wai Tsuen (lit. "walled village in front of the local bureaucrat's office") the only walled village retaining the original clans, is facing the fate of demolition. It is in the San Po Kong areas in Hong Kong. The Nga was built in 1570 comprising of Chan, Ng and Lee clans, with a history of over 400 years. It is the oldest historical village.

Unlike those walled villages in the New Territories which have a separate external wall for security, the Nga village only relies on the connection of the walls of the stone houses to form the protection walls to safeguard against the pirates. The main entrance is an archway with a plague marked with 3 Chinese characters of "overflowing prosperity". On top of the main entrance was an observational tower. A temple of the Goddess of Heaven was built in the center of the village. The Nga village was in rectangular design with about 100 houses connected among 3 main roads and 6 side-lanes.

In 1982, one of the biggest land developers in Hong Kong ignoring the opposition from the community, initiated the redevelopment plan of the areas by demolishing the acquired historical houses one after the other in order to prevent the possibility of preserving the Nga Chin Wai Tsuen as a historical legacy. Although Hong Kong government has eventually intervened to retain the Nga village, most of the houses in the walled village had already been destroyed and the overall architectural structure of Nga Chin Wai Tsuen could not be restored. As such, Hong Kong government could only require the land developer to keep the archway, the temple and a few houses of better shape as historical legacy.

According to a British historian on Kowloon Peninsular,  the Kowloon peninsular has two historical legacy prior to the British occupation:  one is Hau Wong Temple and the other is Nga Chin Wai Tsuen in Kowloon City which is the last walled city in the urban build-up areas of Hong Kong. Although the buildings are not good looking, the houses are small and the lanes are narrow, these are the actual values for preserving the village, retaining the actual shape and outlook of the Kowloon Peninsular prior to the British occupation in Hong Kong. It is sad to see that the fading of the Nga Chin Wai Tsuen is the result of the supremacy of the land developers of Hong Kong, the inability to protect and maintain the heritage, the lack of awareness and sensitivity of the Hong Kong government in preserving the historical legacy.

Before Nga Chin Wai Tsuen has completely faded out, we hope to reminisce about the golden past and the historical implications of a walled village through the album of the relics of these village houses. 

Photo equipment:
Nikon D300s, Nikon GP-1 GPS
AF-DX 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6


衙前圍村是香港唯一仍然保留原居民的圍村,現在面臨清拆的命運。衙前圍村位於九龍新蒲崗。 圍村建於1570年,以陳、吳、李三姓為主,有四百年的歷史,是香港歷史最悠久的村落。它不似新界其他的圍村,四周建有護城牆。衙前圍村則依頼村屋的外牆相連,成為護城牆,抵禦海盗的入侵。圍村正門有一牌樓,上有「慶有餘」牌扁,並建有瞭望塔。村的中央建有天后廟。圍村以方形設計,內有百多間石屋,分三條主街和六條橫巷作交通。



我感到悲哀﹐ 眼見衙前圍村正在湮滅,乃地產霸權的惡果和政府當局對維護歷史遺蹟不力、意識薄弱和敏感度不足所致。在衙前圍村消失前,希望透過這輯照片,在人為破壞中的凋零村屋,譲我們追懷圍村的風光和歷史!

The main entrance of Nga Chin Wai Tsuen with the plague of "Overflowing Prosperity".  The top part of the gate was an observational tower for the walled village.

The main entrance leads to the main street of the village

Most of the houses were acquired by the land developer

One of the remaining households

A senior folk in the village

A desolate house was seen through the wire netting

A narrow side lane by the temple

The wall of a house was supported by steel bars

A desolate house

The high-rise overshadows the walled village

On both sides of the wall

This stone house still presents the elegance in historical legacy

Lacking any way out?

One of the reserved stone houses

Hay on eaves witnessed the trace of time

A left alone family

A broken window of colors

How is tomorrow?

● Click to open more photos 點擊更多照片》

● Related album 相關帖子

Tsuen Wan Sam Tung Uk Village 荃灣三棟屋
Tsuen Wan Sam Tung Uk Village

View Nga Chin Wai Tsuen in a larger map


  1. 以地理歷史來說,衙前圍村在香港開埠前是一條臨海村落,居民大多以打漁為業,現時的彩虹道在該區開發時差不多是陸上與海上的臨界點,之前沿彩虹道左旁有一條用以排水泄洪之大山溪經由鑽石山,大磡村,黃大仙,東頭(衙前圍村)……等地方排流入海,因五、六十年代該區人口大量增加,政府將山溪改作明渠排污,約在七十年代施工將明渠分段取締;現時的新浦崗屬填海區,所以正確的說,衙前圍村是位於東頭村。隨著市區的發展,及政府的不重視保護歷史文物及古蹟,加上地產霸權無遠弗屆,無孔不入的染指,該村的湮滅是無可避免的事。謝謝你彌足珍貴之資料及圖片。

  2. Thank you for photos.

  3. Peter, You got a meaningful key point. Many tings are not under people’s control. Taking as many pictures as possible maybe the only thing we can do. Regards

    1. Hi David, That is a shining example how photos are used to reflect our view, feel and news in this blog. Thanks for your visit and input!

  4. What a loss to see this place disappear!

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