Thursday, December 27, 2012

Yaumatei Fruit Market in 321 油麻地果欄之三比一

When I took pictures of the Yaumatei Fruit Market, I also used my iPhone 5 which was installed with the iPhone App of 645 PRO and selected the 6 x 17 "back" to take shots. The long strip of the 6 x 17 back gives a luxurious panoramic (3:1) format. The photos are presented in color to reflect the original tone of an old building.

在拍攝油麻地果欄期間,我也會利用手機 iPhone 5 來拍攝。我採用了 645 PRO 的手機軟件,選擇 了6 x 17 「機背」的橫度來拍攝,給人有一種華美「三比一」長幅的美感。照片以彩色表現果欄原來殘舊的古樸色彩。

The trade marks of the fruit wholesalers were built on top of the 2-storey building
645 PRO for iPhone 5 @4.1mm, f/2.4, 1/1400 sec, ISO 50 (6 x 17 back)

The upper floor is the office and the trade name is written in bold font of Kai calligraphy
645 PRO for iPhone 5 @4.1mm, f/2.4, 1/1900 sec, ISO 50 (6 x 17 back)

The fruit market is surrounded by high rises
645 PRO for iPhone 5 @4.1mm, f/2.4, 1/1500 sec, ISO 50 (6 x 17 back)

The roof of the building design is simple and traditional
645 PRO for iPhone 5 @4.1mm, f/2.4, 1/2200 sec, ISO 50 (6 x 17 back)

Most of the stores were closed
645 PRO for iPhone 5 @4.1mm, f/2.4, 1/60 sec, ISO 50 (6 x 17 back)

The outside look of the fruit market
645 PRO for iPhone 5 @4.1mm, f/2.4, 1/900 sec, ISO 50 (6 x 17 back)

The lane way
645 PRO for iPhone 5 @4.1mm, f/2.4, 1/240 sec, ISO 50 (6 x 17 back)

A fruit store in business
645 PRO for iPhone 5 @4.1mm, f/2.4, 1/340 sec, ISO 50 (6 x 17 back)

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